An Evening With Tony Park

Feb 24’

On Wednesday 21 February 2024, our Reading Team welcomed Australian and internationally bestselling author Tony Park. Held at the Museum of the Riverina - Botanic Gardens Site, the Community Space was full of avid historical fiction readers. President Mel, and Tony spoke about his pilgrimages in South Africa, how this inspired his writing and his passions in animal conservation. Book sales for this event were supported by Two Brown Cats Bookstore.

An Evening Of Romance

JULY 23’

On Saturday 15 July 2023, we held our very first Riverina Readers Festival event. Our newly formed Reading Team welcomed Karina May, Emma Grey, Clare Fletcher & Brooke Hill to Eastern Riverina Arts ‘The Ambo’ Gallery on Johnson Street, Wagga Wagga. All four traditionally published authors spoke all about love, romance, writing and life experiences.

Our Reading Team

Jul 23’

On Thursday 27 July 2023, the Riverina Readers Festival officially became an Incorporated Organisation.